the Catania office

Via Teseo,13 - 95126 Catania CT
095 507740
095 0974606
email: [email protected]

The Catania office was opened in 2012.

We will welcome you in an innovatively designed environment to give you a unique experience.

You will find a large waiting room with an integrated play/study area with wi-fi connection.

The clinical area is an open-space, designed to make you comfortable and share your orthodontic experience.

Orthodontic and gnathological examinations requiring a higher level of privacy are performed in the first visit room.

Digital technology is used in all treatment and management procedures.

The office is equipped with a digital scanner that eliminates bothersome impression taking.

the Verona office

Vittorio Veneto Square, 3A - 37126 Verona
045 9610389
email: [email protected]

At the Verona office you will be welcomed into a friendly and amazing environment so that you can experience orthodontics as a unique and unforgettable experience.

Ours is a special work that gives us the opportunity to share a life journey with you, and we want the time spent together to be experienced in a spirit of familiarity and mutual trust.

We will offer you our decades of experience, expertise and professionalism, but also the utmost attention to your needs.

We will be available to book an appointment on your preferred days and times, including Saturdays.

We will take care of parking with Easypark.

We will propose the payment method that best suits your needs, so that you can only think about feeling good and smiling, we will take care of everything else.